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    9 Latest Digital Marketing Trends that You Must Not Miss in 2019

    9 Latest Digital Marketing Trends that You Must Not Miss in 2019

    With the onset of 2019, digital marketing services have also witnessed a more dramatic shift. Digital marketing services encompassing search engine optimization, social media optimization, PPC, content marketing, email marketing, and many more have been updated with some advanced strategies. There was a time when artificial intelligence or visual search was not so much in demand, but these have been replaced with the latest trends and strategies. Today's digital market is demanding a different picture. Are you interested to create the digital presence of your business? Are you looking forward to establishing your brand awareness and brand recognition? Here we have listed down some key marketing trends for 2019 that you must not miss while branding your business. 1. Artificial Intelligence: There was a time when you have the option to avoid artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence incorporated in the website makes the search even faster than before, helps the user with better interaction. AI analyzes consumer behavior and search patterns, utilize all the data taken from all your social media platforms and blog posts. All these in a combined manner allow businesses to understand how users or customers find their products and services. Certainly, marketing gets even more easier with AI facility. Adopting this technique for your business will not just enhance your business growth but also save your finance to a great extent. AI 2. Programmatic Advertisement: What is programmatic advertisement? Programmatic advertisement combined with AI allows automating ad buying so that the business can target a large potential audience very smoothly. For example, the real-time bidding or what you say, auctions are the part of these auto ads. Such automation is highly effective. These accelerate the conversions and lower the customer acquisition costs. This automatic advertisement is dramatically changing the picture of digital advertising. In fact, the ads presenting in the U.S.is expecting to be fully programmatic by 2020. programmatic advertisement 3. Chatbots: Chatbots is expected to play the most vital role in digital marketing this year. It is an AI based technology that offers instant messaging, a real time chat effect, establishing a strong customer-client relationship. Over 1.4 billion users prefer to interact with chatbots and is believed that the amount will increase more by 2020. Reasons are many. For example, many users prefer to use chatbots as they are responsive, give answers instantly, produces a chat history, and won't allow you to lose patience. What you need to do is incorporate such chatbots in your web page so that your visitors find it easy to interact with you. chatbots 4. Video Marketing: Video marketing are recently in high demand. People are getting more attracted through videos than they were through graphic images. Several videos are getting posted daily but among them the live videos are gaining more popularity. Youtube, Facebook, Instagram are not just platforms to make friends but even to gain high engagement with video marketing. Have you come across the 360 degree video content? They have recently become the craze for the videographers.
    video marketing
    5. Social Messaging Apps: Social messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Whatsapp and so on, are entertaining the users at a high rate. For example, Facebook and Whatsapp have about 1.3 billion active users. Therefore, it can be concluded how the popularity of social messaging apps is growing for the business day by day. Being active on such messaging apps or incorporating these social media tools into your web page is a wonderful way to reach the hearts of the users. social messaging apps 6. Visual Search: Visual search is again an addition to the latest trend of digital marketing. It contributes a lot to your business by taking it to a new level. With this visual search you can upload an image to the search engine and get more specific results. Google Lens is a visual search engine powered by Google that recognizes objects, landmarks, and other things. Pinterest is yet another visual search that allows you to upload images and find your products online. In order to thrive in this competitive market, adopting this trend is indeed a requisite. visual search 7. Micro Moments: It has been researched that in an average people are spending about 3hours and 35minutes on their smartphones every day. This creates the most effective way to capture buyer' attention. Micro-Moments is a consumer behavior termed by Google, that delivers the marketing message in a distilled clear way, all in a glance. micro moments 8. Social Media Stories: Another new insertion to the social media platform is social media stories. This particular trend has grown in popularity recently and this is where you need to take the advantage. Social media stories including live video allow you to promote engagement and brand awareness. social media stories 9. Personalization: Standing in 2019 and missing out the personalization factor while marketing is bad. Personalized work demands unique and personalized content, products, emails, and so on. An updated website should incorporate purchase history, consumer behavior, links clicked, and so on. These are all some basic parts of personalization that advances customer relationships. Today, almost 80% of the businesses are preferring to walk down on this path. Would you like to do so? We guess, that will be a great approach to compete your competitors. personalization Won't you like to flourish your business channel across the seven continents? It is not as easy as you actually find it. You need to be smart enough and put strong efforts to grow your business. And adopting the right digital marketing service should be the initial. Are you planning to hire these digital marketing services in India? Hih7 Webtech offers the most comprehensive business solutions to all its clients.

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