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    An Ultimate Guide For Graphic Design File Formats

    Being an entrepreneur don't you think you should have some knowledge regarding graphic designs? Well, we believe besides the graphic designers, you are also responsible for your quality output. The designers...


    Magento 2 – The Latest Incarnation For E-commerce Development

    CMS based websites written in PHP are blessings for the digital marketers to carry out their E-commerce business without any external aid. For example, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal – all belong to...


    GDPR – The Latest Buzz For Digital Marketing

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has knocked every digital resider's socks off. The legislation was implemented on 25th May 2018 with an aim to empower the customers to have safe...


    5 Secrets Of Social Selling Especially For The Startups

    Today's buzzword is – Social Media, Social Media, and Social Media. And surprisingly, we have chosen the same phrase as the topic of discussion on this blog. In our research, we...


    5 Things To Consider Before Selecting A Branding And Design Agency

    Branding is equally important for a business as much as having salt in the food. It is the preliminary step that every aspiring entrepreneur should take in order to enhance their...


    Graphic Design And Web Design- How Does It Differ?

    Perhaps most of you have a common question – is there any difference between Graphic design and Web design? Even I used to assume that they are the same. But it...