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    Google Algorithm Updates of 2022 – Impacts and Solutions

    Google Algorithm Updates of 2022 – Impacts and Solutions

    Google keeps on improving its algorithm for the improvement of search results and user experience. Google makes money primarily from the search engine via ads they served to the search engine users. Hence, the more people will use Google, the more money Google will make. Google has made an announcement regarding a Core Algorithm Update on 12th September, 2022. As per their statement, “Released the September 2022 core update. The rollout could take 2 weeks to complete”. The primary response that came from the search community was positive. But, few affiliate marketing Facebook groups were muted. The core algorithm update: A core algorithm update refers to a change to various parts of Google algorithm. It is much more noticeable. However, no confirmation has been given related to the way the changes will impact search results or SERPs throughout the world including multiple languages. A question arises concerning whether core update positively amplifies helpful content update. According to a tweet of Danny Sullivan, the aftermath of the helpful content update may become more observable at the time of core algorithm update. To quote him, “Maybe the helpful content signal alone wasn’t enough to tip the scales and produce a change in someone’s particular situation, but when we do other updates (core, product reviews), it might add into that and be more significant….” However, it must be noted that Danny Sullivan used the word ‘maybe’ in his statement. So, it can be presumed that the helpful content is a segment of the core algorithm. It is running continuously. Hence, Helpful Content Update or HCU can exert influence on a new website. Facts related to Google September 2022 Broad Core Update: Name: Google September 2022 Broad Core Update Launching date and time: September 12, 2022 at 11:25 pm ET Rollout: It may take approximately 1 to 2 weeks to roll out Target: It is for all kinds of content Penalty: It rewards and promotes good web pages. The update is not a penalty. Global: This global update lays impact on all regions and in all languages. Discover: Core updates lay impact on Google Discover and additional features like snippets, etc. Impact: the impact is quite fast. Recover: If affected by the update, one is required to look at the content and work on it following Google’s core update advice. Refreshes: Google will refresh this algorithm periodically but may not disclose those particular updates in the future. History of release of ranking updates: 22nd February, 2022: The page experience update for desktop was released. On 3rd March, 2022, the rollout was complete. 23rd March, 2022: March 2022 product reviews update was released. 25th May, 2022: May 2022 core update was released. As of 9th June, 2022, the rollout was complete. 27th July, 2022: July 2022 product reviews update concerning English-language product reviews was released. As of 2nd August, 2022, the rollout was complete. 25th August, 2022: August 2022 helpful content update was released. As of 9th September, 2022, the rollout was complete. 12th September, 2022: September 2022 core update was released. The rollout was completed on 26th September, 2022. 20th September, 2022: September 2022 English-language product review update was release. As of 26th September, 2022, the rollout was complete. 19th October, 2022: October 2022 spam update was released. It was a global update and has influence on all languages. As of 21st October, 2022, the rollout was complete. The timing of Google core updates: Google Core Updates eventuate several times in a year. Google announces the core updates some days before some days or the day of. However, some updates require several days for introduction and integration for the users. Ways to check for core updates: You can follow Google Search Liaison on Twitter. You can use free tools for algorithm monitoring including AccuRanker and RankRanger. You can subscribe for updates with AccuRanker and others for staying updated. Google Core Updates differ from other updates: How? Google Core Updates are similar to the list of recommendations dedicated for TV shows that are meant for watching. The recommendations change every year because new shows arrive and old shows retire. It is for keeping the list updated and to the point. Difference between Google Core Updates and other Google updates: Google announces only Core Updates, whereas, it doesn’t announces other algorithm updates. Google give acknowledgement to Core Updates, whereas, it doesn’t acknowledges other algorithm updates. Google names its core updates, but it doesn’t name other algorithm updates. The core update’s design is also different from regular Google updates. Google fine tunes its search algorithm’s several features with a core update in such a way that can effectively make search results more practical, helpful, and relevant across multiple industries and user intents. These changes are noticeable. How can you understand that Google Core updates have affected your website? Decreased rankings of your website: Whenever, a broad Google update comes out, SEOs check the Search Engine results Pages or SERPs. It is the ranking in SERPs that gives you the insight whether a Google Core Update is helping or damaging your website. Use these tools to check your website rankings: Google Search Console Ahrefs Also, check the rankings for keywords which can include various intents. You can use keywords that are relevant to your website content. It can be an informational keyword or a transactional keyword. For example, your site deals with animal grooming products. Here, you can use keywords like ‘best dog shampoo’, ‘how to groom a dog’, etc. Decreased traffic of your website: Organic traffic can help you ensure a core Google update. If rankings in search results drop, your website will lose traffic. The first five positions on Google call for 68% of all clicks. Google Analytics help in checking site traffic. Always check the individual page traffic. Additionally, you can check the bounce rate. After determining that a Google search update lays impact on your website, you should make improvements to your site. An SEO audit and consultation help in this regard. Ways to recover from Google Core Updates: If you find out that your website is impacted by Google Core Updates, and then follow these steps to recover the website and raise its rankings. Review the quality rater guidelines of Google: Read Google’s search quality guidelines first. You will learn what exactly Google wants from a website. Also, you will know the way Google seek expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, or E-A-T. Take screenshot of Google Search Quality Guidelines: You must take notes when reviewing the search quality guidelines. Use the learned thing in the following step. Do assessment of the current content: Based on the size of your website, concentrate on the most important pages. Besides, check the entire content present on your website. Notice if Google core update has laid impacted few content. Focus on the types of questions while checking your site’s content: Content and its quality Is the site’s content original? Does the content offer enough information which is beyond the obvious? Is the headline rightly descriptive and helpful? Can the page be shared or bookmarked? Presentation and production Does the content  contain any spelling error? Does the site’s content have excessive ads? Is the content displaying on mobile devices? Is the content appearing disorganized or sloppy? Expertise Does the site content have any factual errors? Can the content be trusted for decisions concerning life or money? Does the content written by an expert? Comparative Can the content offer substantial value while compared to similar webpages? Can the content serve the actual interest of webmasters and visitors? Offer only the best content to your readers: After assessment of your content and finding perfect answer of the above mentioned questions, begin making necessary improvements to the content. Now, compile the audited pages and organize from the most important to the least important ones. You must add product videos and content about the usage of your product. In this way, you can offer much better site experience including relevant and helpful content. You must build backlink profile: Google considers links as one of the vital ranking factors. So, it is necessary to look at the backlink profile and the number of sites linked to your website. You can use Ahrefs for the needful. Remember that any website linking to your site is doing so for a certain purpose. It can be for sharing great content. If you assess and update your content, more high-quality links will be there connected to your website. Besides, if any other website endorses your site, it means it is telling Google that your content is relevant and trustworthy. If that site is a reputed one such as any noted blog, government website, news site, then the effects receive greater importance. These steps definitely help you to recover your site from a broad Google Search Update.

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