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    Google Announced a ‘small’ Search Engine Algorithm Update a Few Weeks Ago

    Google Announced a ‘small’ Search Engine Algorithm Update a Few Weeks Ago

    What is Google Algorithms? They are defined as a complex system that can fetch data from its search engine index and simultaneously, deliver the most feasible results for a query. The search engine, for example, Google utilizes a combination of algorithm and search engine ranking signals to deliver website pages that are ranked according to search engine result pages (SERPs). Google in its initial years has just made a bunch of updates to its algorithms. However, today's statistics defines that Google rolls out a large number of improvements consistently. Did you notice any changes in your search engine rankings of your website in the past few weeks? Is your hired branding and design agency have discussed this with you? Don't look so perplexed. Google has announced a 'small' Search Engine Algorithm Update a few weeks ago and it has been confirmed by the twitter posts of Danny Sullivan. According to Danny Sullivan tweets on 30th September, “Our core algorithm is updated all the time. For major updates, we'll continue to share about those on @searchliaison, as we have been. We haven't had a major update of that nature, but we did have a smaller one this week”. On September 27th Google has endorsed that though the algorithm update was relatively small compared to that past algorithm updates, it has influenced the website appearance and its search engine results. So, have you inspected any such changes on your Google traffic, this week? If yes then it will certainly be related to this smaller google algorithm update. According to the Twitter post, Google works on these types of updates “several times per year”. It further said that after the core update is run the site fails to fix their search engine ranking in any case. In addition to this, Google explained that if a webpage drops or gains, it doesn't necessarily imply that there is something wrong with that page. It can also be the reason for the updates made by Google. Google routine updates are basically done with an aim to improve the website traffic and search engine rankings of the pages that were previously under-rewarded. It results in the most relevant and useful search results. Quite often it has been discovered that those updates influence a large percentage of sites. However, there are many situations when the impact is merely noted. The algorithm update that was made recently, as mentioned by Google, was on the smaller scale. Consequently, its impacts are still unclear. Google neither has mentioned the sites that are the resultant of this small change, nor we have able to discover them. Getting confused? Shake your hands with the best branding and design agency and its SEO professionals. They are there to meet every solution to your concern.

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