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    Joomla or WordPress: Which CMS Platform Would Be Better For Your Website?

    Joomla or WordPress: Which CMS Platform Would Be Better For Your Website?

    Choosing a content management system (CMS) platform is as hard as taking a decision for your startup. A single disbalance or wrong decision may have a huge impact on your website. Quite a great number of CMS platforms are available and each one of them is equipped with their own pros and cons. However, in this blog, we are more focused on the two CMS platforms – WordPress and Joomla. Both of these platforms are renowned owing to the comprehensive features that they provide. Ease-of-use, extensive customization opportunities, versatile templates, multiple plugins, and many more other features have made these two platforms to gain a special recognition. However, both of them are equipped with some negative aspects as well. Hard to make a conclusion? Don't worry. We are here to assist you with your concern. 1. Search Engine Optimization: Comparing the Search Engine Optimization capabilities of both the platforms you will find, Joomla needs its users to set meta descriptions and keywords for new articles. While being a WordPress user, you will witness multiple plugins, for example, the Yoast SEO plugin that holds a lot of features. Yoast SEO plugin classifies your SEO score in different segments using the traffic light system – red, yellow, and green colors. It even helps you to learn how to improve your score in each area. Hence it can be concluded that in terms of SEO, WordPress website development platform is more powerful than Joomla. Search Engine Optimization 2. Security: Security plays one of the most crucial roles in digital marketing. Every marketer looking forward to developing a website is too much concerned about the website security plan. The less secure is your website, the more you are welcoming the hackers to hack all your confidential data or customer information. Hence, being a marketer, the initial question that you should ask is – do this platform ensures security features? If yes, then to what level? WordPress, relative to Joomla, is always kept on the first priority when it comes to security vulnerabilities. WordPress includes a number of plugins and CMS based themes. All these plugins and themes employ proper safety standards and remain compatible with newer versions of the platform. Additionally, this professional website development platform doesn't come with basic features like forcing a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) on the dashboard or Two Factor Authentication (2FA). Whereas, Joomla needs to have force connections over SSL and 2FA. In fact, it has its own set of security extensions to offer the website. Joomla developers maintain a list of those extensions with known vulnerabilities. Security 3. Customization Opportunity: It has already been discussed that both WordPress and Joomla is loaded with multiple plugins and extensions. However, WordPress plugins are more expressive and effective. You don't need to give a second thought when you are about to implement the features. To be a bit more precise in our words, let us hold a comparison between the Yoast SEO plugin of WordPress and EFSEO plugin of Joomla. Both of them offers a comprehensive plugin, but when it comes to better experience it is always the WordPress plugins that acquires the first position. Along with high-quality WordPress themes, you can even witness a high level of support and better user experience. Looking for a responsive website development platform? Go with WordPress. It is far better than Joomla. Customization Opportunity 4. Content Management Platform: Both WordPress and Joomla are known as Open source Content Management System Platform that has the capability to manage all the digital content of your website. Though WordPress is too much associated with simple blogs, the platform is even known for professional website development. Joomla is again a complex platform like WordPress but it has a high potential for offering amazing documentation. A website build with Joomla can be turned into an appealing competitive site, but it is hard for the users or the developers to learn its concept. Therefore, if you want something easier and more comfortable then a website development using WordPress will be more fruitful. Content Management Hope the comparison has helped you to take a proper decision? Reaching the bottom line, in some cases, Joomla seems to be more flexible than WordPress. A lot of customization opportunities without relying on any particular extension can be attained through this platform. However, WordPress doesn't leave any stone to unturn to crown itself in this picture. It has the ability to beat Joomla from multiple angles. Be it an effective Search Engine Optimization or advanced security, it is always the WordPress that comes in the first position. Despite having almost similar potential, WordPress enables users to create a website and manage and secure their content with ease. Hence, if you are planning for professional website development, then make sure you are choosing the right CMS based platform. Are you planning to build your own website? Contact Hih7 Webtech and share your needs with us. We pen down all your thoughts and concepts creatively and allow you to accelerate your business over the digital channels.

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