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    Social Media Integration- Success Factor Of Mobile App Development

    Social Media Integration- Success Factor Of Mobile App Development

    So, are you willing to access the website by your fingertip? If yes, the mobile app development can be the most effective perspective. Planning to implement this feature for your business, no doubt will be a great move for your success. But just having a mobile app doesn't make any sense. It will be just like a bride without a groom. You should always have a zeal to make your app interesting. A responsive, user-friendly, custom web or mobile app development can drag new customers but fail to hold back them. Unless and until the customers find your web app interesting, they will least spend their time on your mobile app. Therefore, to hold back the existing customers what you need to add, is just a pinch of salt to your food and make it more delicious. If you think otherwise, is not your mobile app acting as a food for your customers? Well, in that case, social media integration may act as the pinch of salt to it. Surprised? Following are some of the concrete reasons why social media integration is the success factor for mobile app development Let us check it out.

    1. Boost Up App Functionality:

    Social media integration within an app allows enhancing the functionality of your mobile app. But how? To get through this in details, you can sort of the two distinct examples- Instagram and Tinder. Due to the integration of the social media platforms in these apps, the users get the flexibility to use the apps by their other social media profiles. For example, Instagram allows the users to log in to their Facebook account, as well as offering them to share their filtered Instagram images on Facebook, Twitter and many other social media platforms. Whereas the dating app, Tinder allows doing the same but also extracts the data from Facebook and shows mutual interests and mutual friends for the matches. Thus you can see, such flexibilities remarkably improving the app's functionality as well as encouraging the user to reside on the app further.

    2. In-app Social Sharing:

    Social media integration within a business app means the app gives a flexibility to every user to share this in every possible social media platform that may include- Facebook, Tumbler, Instagram, LinkedIn, Flicker, Twitter and so on. This, as a result, allowing you to interact with your potential customers or vice versa and makes you remain connected with your audience. Based on your digital marketing strategies, you must be having your business page, linked to different social media platforms. Therefore this will act as an exclusive platform where you can keep your customers always updated about any event, whenever and wherever you need or let your customers get in touch with you whenever they need. Do you think your customers will try to miss out this convenience?

    3. Easy to Access:

    Today, a majority of individuals are residing on Facebook and Twitter account. That is the reason when they find their familiar platforms on your mobile app, it becomes easier for them to access your app. On the other hand, users may find it quite troublesome, when they have to sign up to an account, filling up different fields just to activate the mobile app. Thus you may find, social media integration highly appreciated by the users as they find it quite accessible.

    4. Increased Downloads:

    If the social media platforms are integrated into a mobile app, there is a tendency that the viewers while scrolling down their social media feed will click on the download button to access it. This will enhance user onboarding and gradually raise the number of followers. Once they are landed on the mobile app, they are allowed to see different purchases, their reviews, and their feedbacks. Thus, no doubt this will be responsible for customers' encouragement. In contrast to this, the customers when allowed to purchase a product via online, they initially have to allow time for themselves to go online, and then have to follow a lengthy process of verification before purchasing. This compels them to choose similar alternatives to make their similar purchase. But the social media integration saves the time and make the process hassle-free.

    5. Enhance App Usage:

    A mobile app development with social media integration can also be responsible for enhancing the usage. This is because the user finds it easier to sign up or log in to the app. On other hands, the users in today's date have a tendency to refresh the news feed and check out the latest updates constantly. Thus any new updation regarding your product or services will instantly catch the eye of the potential customers, resulting in enhancing the app visits and higher usages. However, if you want to gain such exciting advantages, you need to have a user-friendly, SEO-friendly, simple but professional custom web app development for your website. There are several organizations who promise to pen-down the exact requirement on the mobile app. Get in touch with such a professional web and mobile apps development company and share your desire with the experts. Remember a versatile professional application integrated with social media platforms are highly required for a business to spread over 7 continents. Related Blog 9 Best Cross-Platform Web And Mobile App Development Tools

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