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    12 Effective WordPress Digital Marketing Plugins to Build a Successful Blog

    12 Effective WordPress Digital Marketing Plugins to Build a Successful Blog

    Do you want to make your business more successful? It is a dream of every marketer to take their business to a certain height, including you. So, are you a bit worried about your business? In this blog, we will discuss certain marketing plugins. If you go through the blog attentively, then you will surely get an idea, how to make your business more effective and more productive.

    Wordpress Marketing Plugins play an essential role in providing effective solutions thus saving your time in the whole process. If you are a blogger, then you must know the effective marketing plugins that will lead your blog to success. Remember, every marketer is in a competitive mood. One single mistake may drag you to the drain of failure. Let us discuss the 12 effective Wordpress Marketing Plugins that you need to keep in mind while writing a blog for your business. Wordpress Marketing Plugins are divided into four categories. 1. Plugins for Content Marketing 2. Plugins for Email Marketing 3. Plugins for Social Media Marketing 4. Plugins for Search Engine Optimization What are the best plugins for content marketing? If you are interested in creating a unique post with new content ideas, the following points will give you the idea for the best content writing tips for Best Content Writing Companies.

    1. Easy Blog Ideas-

    Are you running out of creative ideas to build a new blog? Easy Blog Ideas never runs out of ideas. This plugin will quickly analyze and give you an effective solution to your problem. It gives you the idea of such topics that are powerful in gaining more traffic. It suggests you with those contents that are most shared and liked on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, LinkedIn. What can you do? You can easily bookmark the article of blog suggested or can create a draft with the stuff.

    2. MyCurator-

    If you are using a Wordpress site, then MyCurator suggest you with articles from other sources to your site. You can easily access the content from the social website that you like. The sources can be Twitter, Google Alert and so on. It posts the content to the Wordpress site with an image, an attribution link, and an excerpt. How Curate content helps you out? You just have to add a paragraph or can select the desired excerpt from the article and allow your readers to publish the curated content on your site.

    3. Just Writing-

    Are you looking to improve your writing skills? Just Writing plugin introduces an advanced WordPress' Distraction-Free Writing Mode (DFWM) in the main editor. This will help you to concentrate on your words. The interesting features of this plugin include, spell check and paragraph styling.

    4. Editorial Calendar-

    This plugin will manage and schedule your blogs. Editorial Calendar acts as an organization tool for all your contents. What are the features does it provide? Drag and drop options help to edit the tiles easily and quickly and manage posts from different authors. All these can help you to enhance content marketing strategy in your business. What are the best plugins for Digital Marketing Services? Let us have a look.

    5. Yoast SEO-

    If you are new to SEO, then Yoast SEO will help you to take care of the basic aspects of SEO. The features may be focusing on the keyword, permalinks, meta title and description, images, meta tags, text structure, and readability. Thus the plugin helps you to enhance your Google rankings by making the content SEO friendly.

    6. PB SEO friendly images-

    Do you want to optimize your images? Optimizing your images have a huge contribution to ranking your blogs. This plugin will optimize your images for better indexing in the search engines. ALT and TITLE are the two attributes used by the search engines to index your images. PB SEO Friendly Images using these attributes automatically update your images. Thus the plugin will make your posts W3C/xHTML valid. Following are the best plugins for Email Marketing. These will help you to enhance the email records, update your contact lists, and build strong inbound marketing.

    7. Contact Form 7-

    It is very essential to have a strong bond with your website visitors. This plugin will not only build an effective relationship with your customers, but your customers will also find convenience in getting touch with you. If you are implementing this plugin to your Wordpress site, then you can easily create flexible contact forms for your customers which can be customized according to your need. What is the use of it? This will allow your website visitors to comment on your posts and give you a feedback. This form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA and Akismet spam filtering, provides file uploads and quizzes and customize notification messages.

    8. Email Subscribers and Newsletters-

    This plugin helps to create an email list from your website visitors. If you want your visitors to remain engaged with your blog, then this plugin allows blogs subscription or newsletters to hold your potential customers and keep them always updated with the latest news on your blog. This will encourage them to return to your blog and engage themselves reading it. Once your customers are subscribed to your website or blogs, you can easily notify them by mail whenever you have any latest updates. If you want to build or manage a subscriber list, then we will recommend you to add the plugin and keep your customers engaged.

    9. Related Posts Thumbnails-

    Don't you want your visitors to remain engaged with your content on your website? Related Post Thumbnails plugin helps you to hold your visitors on your website for a long time thus increasing CTR. CTR is the abbreviation of Click-Through Rate which means the percentage of click per ad. What are the features allowed in this plugin? It helps to customize your thumbnail sizes, display settings like background colour, border, or texts. Thus it acts as the best tool for customizing your thumbnails. Today, a majority of people spend their maximum time on their respective social media channels. Thus social media channels are the most effective way to set up a successful business. Following are the best effective plugins for Social Media Marketing. Introducing these plugins will enhance the number of followers, likes, and shares your posts.

    10. Better Click to Tweet-

    This plugin is the best way to encourage your potential readers. Just introduce Tweet option on your posts and allow your reader to tweet about it. Better Click to Tweet plugin is highly customizable with CSS. How does it work? Whenever a reader clicks on the Tweet box, the β€œvia” and URL both are easily removed from the resulting tweets, and the links are turned into no-follow links.

    11. Simple Social Icons-

    In addition to sharing or liking your posts, now it is a trend when you want your visitors to follow your profile. Placing simple social media icons on your website will give a flexibility to your visitor to scroll your profile on your social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on. Moreover, this plugin is very simple to use and can be customizable whenever needed.

    12. Wordpress Social Login-

    If you are using this social login plugin, then your website visitors are allowed to register the account by using their respective social accounts IDs. Thus there is no need to remember the passwords and username separately for this account. What are the different channels supported by this plugin? Facebook, Google, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo!, LinkedIn, Reddit, Disqus, Tumblr, StackOverflow, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, 500px, Foursquare, Steam, Twitch.tv, Mixi, Vkontakte, Mail.ru, Yandex, Odnoklassniki, Goodreads, Skyrock, Last.FM, AOL and PixelPin. You may also import the users' contact details form Gmail, Facebook, Windows Live and LinkedIn. All the above-mentioned plugins are beneficial for performing various marketing tasks. If you are ready to boost your business and stand yourself one level up than your competitors, then introduce these Wordpress plugins to your website. We recommend you to consult with professional Digital Marketing Agency in your area to get the best and effective results. Related Blog Get Effective Website Development Using WordPress

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